Why Is Your Event a Misfire, And How To Fix It?

virtual events

How many virtual events have you participated in recently? According to the data, a billion events are organized every day in every part of the world. But how many of them are worth remembering?

Have you ever wondered how television influenced us? For almost a hundred years (it was invented in 1927), humanity had daily contact with visual media, but we still lack a universal recipe for interesting events of this type online. So let’s take a look at what to do to make our lectures interesting!

First of all – user experience

Users are accustomed to the convenience: three-button presses on the remote control or three clicks are enough to get to the desired material. In other words, recipients don’t like making demands like a lengthy authentication process.

Is your interface clear? Is it easy to find yourself in it? Remember to answer these questions when you are not using an external platform.

Second – program

When creating a program, it is worth considering what our goals are. Do we want to attract recipients, raise awareness of a given problem, and maybe support the development of a profession?

The answers to these questions should help you choose a facilitator and set the tone for the entire endeavor. Remember that the emotions accompanying the event will stay with our recipients for years! We pay special attention to our viewers to remain glued to the screen even when distracted by a new email, a barking dog, or hunger.

Third – creativity

Let’s face it: an innovative approach always attracts audiences. But nice packaging is essential! Your home page is like the cover of a book or movie, and your description must be eye-catching and functional. Let us not neglect these aspects if we want a good impression.

This is where the leader comes in again. If he is charismatic, fun, and charming, viewers will want to stay with us. If he turns out to be boring, no one will want to devote their time to him. And yet most events require focus for more than 30 minutes – let’s make a positive impression on our audience during these half an hour.

When determining the topic of the meeting, it is worth examining which issues are currently popular among the community to which we address our content. Perhaps the TV analogy at the beginning of this article can help us visualize what our events should look like – like a good TV show.

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