What Are The Characteristics Of The It Security In The Company

It Security In The Company

It Security, Today more than ever, it is necessary to protect yourself from hacker attacks: what are the characteristics of cyber security to know?

Since its birth, technology has brought incredible and innumerable benefits for individuals. But, above all, for companies that now could no longer live without.

But the advent of this new world has also brought with it several negative aspects on the security side. Even in this case, the most at risk are the companies that risk seeing their businesses fall with a simple but targeted cyber-attack.

The good news is that it is possible to defend against these attacks; you just need to know how to do it.

Cyber-security is an issue that never goes out of fashion; indeed, it is essential today to be able to guarantee adequate IT security within companies.

To do this, it is essential to understand that some practices can best protect corporate data.

The Main Operations For Good It Security

When it comes to IT security, the first rule to always keep in mind is to be wary of those who want to offer excessively synthetic information and solutions.

Companies are all different, and each has its own characteristics, which is why there cannot be a single solution to protect them all. Each needs a dedicated protection system capable of adapting to the corporate IT structure.

This principle should be the key rule for anyone entering the world of corporate data and information protection.

This first fundamental rule is closely followed by another important concept that every company and every IT security expert should know and be ready to apply, namely the activity called business continuity.

Business continuity is a concept as simple as it is important, the goal of which is to keep the company afloat in case some cyber attack hits it.

The procedure is simple and consists of two very clear and distinct parts:

  • The first part is to understand what possible attacks the company could be subjected to;
  • The second part, on the other hand, consists of drawing up a plan of measures capable of minimizing the attack’s impact on the company and any periods of business interruption.

Although business continuity is a very easy concept to understand, it is often underestimated and even not considered, especially by companies that are the main targets of potential cyber-attacks.

Cybersecurity And Company Data Protection

Within companies, cybersecurity can have one primary goal, which is to protect the data that the company itself holds.

Unlike what one might think, it is precisely the data center that the company possesses the most important resource, capable of giving it value and, perhaps even more importantly, that makes it competitive and up to the market to which it is aimed.

Since data is so important, it is therefore essential that every company has two different levels of protection, namely:

  • Logical security level
  • Physical security level

Let’s understand the reason for these two different types of security by going to examine them one at a time.

The first level of IT security: logical protection

This first level of security prevents individuals, groups, or other companies from accessing sensitive data belonging to the company through internal company operations, both remotely and remotely.

In short, this level of security can be identified as the real defense system at an IT and virtual environment level.

The second level of IT security: physical protection

This second level of protection aims to protect computers and any other type of machine in which sensitive information is stored.

One of the best-known environments is certainly the data processing center, also known by the acronym CED.

To protect places such as the data processing center, there are often security systems such as video surveillance cameras, armored doors, and, in some cases, even more advanced techniques such as recognition systems.

However, these are only a tiny part of the measures that can be adapted to protect information vital for the company.

Like logical security, physical security prefers a more concrete defense in terms of real environments.

What are the fundamental characteristics of corporate IT security?

What are the characteristics of IT security in its key aspects? For cybersecurity, there are three:

  • Personalization: even if we have already mentioned it before, this speech is so essential that it is worth repeating it. Each corporate IT security system needs its specific characteristics. The system must be studied and designed for the company’s particularities. A protection system developed without considering the company’s IT structure would risk producing irreparable damage. The company may also fail to recover;
  • Data availability: although a security system may be efficient, it would make no sense if it did not allow authorized persons to have complete access to all the data essential for properly performing company duties. Complete access to the entirety of all company data at any time is a key aspect of any security system;
  • Duplicate information: whether it is a human error or a fatality, the data owned by the company is always in constant danger. Any company must make regular backups set according to specific time criteria to have multiple copies of the information.

What Are The Different Computer Security Systems

Still, regarding what are the characteristics of IT security, there are 5 main corporate defense systems:

  • Cluster systems: consist of two different servers that can be operated simultaneously or individually. Should one of the two servers stop working, this system would allow the other server to start working immediately to allow the continuation of activities;
  • Access control: one of the most used systems, used for tens and tens of years, consists of the recognition of authorized personnel through special tools such as tags or others;
  • Domain controller: don’t be fooled by its name; the domain controller has the same mechanism as access control, only in the virtual version. Through specific credentials, in fact, unique access is allowed to personnel authorized to access the data;
  • Antivirus and firewall: two of the most famous and well-known systems in the world that work in symbiosis for corporate protection. The former prevents your computer system from being infected with potential threats while the latter filters the information that is exchanged on the Internet;
  • Periodic backups: as already explained before, backups are essential, and the backup period must be set according to the company’s needs.

Read About Corporate Cybersecurity

Precise rules do not exist regarding corporate security; instead, there are 2 very important rules, namely the GDPR and the NIS.

The first is a rule applied only to European states, which provides for the presence of a register of activities for companies in addition to requesting consent to the processing of data and methods of use.

The second rule, on the other hand, mostly concerns specific sectors such as banks, health care, and transport. It requires those who offer digital services to equip themselves with systems to safeguard any risks to the services provided.

Also Read : How To Optimize Data Storage Costs In Your Company

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