To Make a Smart City, You Need a Smart Home

Smart City, You Need a Smart Home

Smart Home, We can basically define it as an infrastructure made up of multiple systems, more or less complex, where the crucial and vital processes are reviewed and redefined, with the primary purpose of improving the livability of spaces by citizens, according to the assumptions of well-being and optimization of public services, producing that digital innovation that will have concrete repercussions on the territory. Still, above all, it will be the real driving force for social and economic development. A city can, in fact, be intelligent only when certain primary axes of its governance, such as its administration, economy, transport, mobility, energy, environment, and citizenship, are a set of integrally smart elements. 

smart and critical

On this point, I still remember the words of Dr. Joseph Bruno, Commissioner Office of Emergency Management in New York City, heard during a conference on the subject at the Chamber of Deputies in March 2014: illustrating his NY smart city project, Bruno posed the “Big Apple” as a city at the level of critical infrastructure (IC), due to its systemic and highly smart complexity. Commenting on his project, applied moreover in an articulated urban scenario and a multiform context such as NY, he repeatedly emphasized how the right approach to follow was precisely to consider a city system as that highly heterogeneous infrastructure complex, precisely critical, highlighting among other things, another particular aspect: the need to put in place a partnership between public and private, through a substantial beneficial synergistic action to achieve the project goals.

Radical changes

So, speaking of Intelligent Cities, we are talking about radical changes that cities will have to face in order to transform their “state of the art” into the “state of the art” that distinguishes accomplished smart cities, that is the highest level of technological development with the maximum possible systemic integration, and energy self-sufficient. Smart grids, smart homes, smart buildings, smart mobility, smart security, industrial automation, everything must be more efficient and comfortable, user-friendly, and accessible to all: a digital society, in addition to improving daily life with a series of useful automation, it must reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. But a functional smart city will never be created without a concrete smart home.

It starts with the smart home.

And it is precisely by starting from private homes that a true urban digital ecosystem will be created, thanks to the technologies of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ); therefore, only with the concrete interconnection of the buildings will it be possible to carry out those projects of transformation of our urbanized spaces into real intelligent environments, because only under these conditions all the data collected in individual homes, interacting with each other thanks to IoT technologies, will bring the expected benefits on a large scale, with the subsequent goal of optimizing a single, smart home in a functional smart community

1.3 billion connected devices

Sector studies tell us how, in the medium term, we will have about 1.3 billion connected devices within urbanized areas: CCTV, pollution measurement sensors, wearable IoT, eco-sustainable smart lighting, traffic management systems, and systems for parking automation, transport, and smart mobility. All this will ensure that urban spaces will become environments increasingly integrated by digitization, highly usable, and with positive implications on the quality of life. Well, all these complex, intelligent interactions basically mean the creation of digital infrastructures, such as wireless networks, ultra-fast 5G connections, and the development of complex interacting public structures, where all connected devices will exchange information on time, generating a considerable quantity of Big Data that will support, in real-time, public services (mobility, school, health, tourism, public services, taxation,

Security (e-safety) first

But no community can be intelligent if it does not guarantee its inhabitants the right to safety; this is why a city attentive to the needs and tranquility of its citizens must be protected by an effective integrated security system, inserted, however, in strategic urban planning. But there is another peculiarity to be considered: the role safety-emergency safety plays. This issue assumes absolute importance in preparing effective municipal emergency plans made operational by an efficient civil protection organization. In short, an intelligent metropolis is certainly safer, with a lower crime rate, because it is more participatory and inclusive: this is, thanks to technology, capable of breaking down the distances that until now divided public administration from citizens. 

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