Newsletter Subscription: How To Increase Contacts

Newsletter Subscription

Here are a few tips and strategies to increase newsletter subscription and improve all email marketing actions. Find out more in this article.

Having a large database of people who have given their written consent to receive emails with promotional content is the basis of any effective Email Marketing strategy. Subscription to the newsletter is a step to be taken care of with particular attention: in this guide, we will discover together what are the best tips on how to increase the contacts of the newsletter.

What is a newsletter, and what are its objectives

The term ” newsletter ” refers to a publication spread through email related to purely editorial and/or informative content, unlike DEM Marketing ( Direct Email Marketing ), whose attention is focused more specifically on a commercial offer.

Unlike those of DEM Marketing, the objectives of a newsletter are broader: a newsletter can be aimed at branding, strengthening the online reputation of the brand, as well as increasing visits to the site, and creating a lead path nurturing.

Newsletter subscription: strategies to increase contacts

To increase newsletter subscribers, it is necessary, first of all, that the newsletter subscription procedure is easy, intuitive, and fast. Too often, on the contrary, it happens that the links to subscribe are hidden or not very visible or that the call-to-action is not very attractive and convincing.

Here are other strategies to increase newsletter subscribers:

  • Make the newsletter subscription link more visible by inserting it in the email space reserved for the signature by providing specific banners and popups on the site;
  • Insert a “share” button, and an “invite a friend” link;
  • offer incentives such as discounts and exclusive content reserved for registered users only;
  • Show during the newsletter subscription procedure a partial preview of the content, which will become fully visible only once the subscription operation has been completed;
  • Propose quality content by working well with Content Marketing by providing relevant and interesting content to users. This is possible by identifying the specific needs of your typical user or his particular attention to a specific topic, analyzing any publications on the subject of his competitors, and finding the right form for each content;
  • Regularly publish the contents of the newsletter, but you must do it by paying the utmost attention not to be too invasive because users can decide at any time to unsubscribe from the list of recipients of the newsletter.

Which KPIs to monitor to understand the effectiveness of a newsletter?

  • Percentage of users who have decided to unsubscribe from the newsletter;
  • Growth percentage of the list of users receiving the newsletter.

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