Is moving To a Data Center Risky?

Data Center

The idea of ​​relocating servers from the company’s headquarters to the Data Center increases concerns about ensuring uninterrupted access to data, applications, and backups. Is it right?

Doubts will be solved by properly planned migration and data protection by making backups. This offer is available only from large service providers with both data center facilities and relevant competencies. Moving your own servers to the data center can be secured to such an extent that there will not be a break in access to critical data, even for a moment.

Risks related to migration to the Data Center:

  • area related to the service provider – the quality of cooperation, security of property, data, sensitive (personal) data,
  • new telecommunications services – configuration changes may cause disruptions,
  • the relocation operation disrupts or worsens the status of the client’s systems – the system will not start, will be damaged mechanically or hardware, we will make a mistake when restarting,
  • the relocation operation will be a bigger business interruption than you expected,
  • the company carrying out the relocation will carry out it in an unprofessional manner – the equipment will be damaged, lost, or incomplete, and the whole process will take longer than expected,
  • The relocation operation will not pay off – the one-off cost will be too high and will not pay off in the long run.

Since there are the above dangers, why should I trust an external Data Center? How can I be sure that there will be no faults during the move and thus no interruption in access to the servers?

The Data Center operated by an external provider, such as Orange, ensures the security of data and the media on which it is collected. In addition to the guarded area, uninterrupted work, and the constant attention of a team of specialists, the Data Center also provides the latest technologies for maintaining a constant temperature, continuous power supply, and Internet connection. Ordinary server rooms do not have so much security – often, it is only a separate room in a company with autonomous access to electricity and the Internet, but without physical security and supervision of a group of specialists.

So far, has my server room work been more vulnerable to a failure than the Data Center?

After moving the company’s servers to the Data Center (usually it takes from several to several hours, depending on the location of the company’s headquarters), IT systems work the same as before the move. The physical location of the servers doesn’t really matter. What counts is the guarantee of security and experience provided by the Data Center. Removals are not every day. It is worth ensuring that they are carried out smoothly. What exactly does this entail? A third-party service provider that does this on a routine basis will guide you through this process, known in the industry as relocation. Just like at home, moving home has additional benefits as it cannot be imagined without:

  • inventory,
  • in complex cases – implementation of a technical design and activity plan,
  • preparation of documentation,
  • device markings,
  • the safe extinguishing of devices/systems,
  • disassembly of ICT devices and IT components,
  • preparation of devices for transport (packing, securing),
  • Insurance,
  • unpacking and assembling devices in their final location,
  • testing and commissioning of systems in a new location.

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