IF AI Starts To Use Quantum Processors, Will It Feel It?

Quantum Processors

The answer to this question depends on several factors. As far as quantum computing and AI are concerned, they are strictly unrelated.

The goal of AI is to simulate the functions of the human brain so that it is almost indistinguishable from human intelligence to some extent.

On the other hand, quantum computing is related to the use of quantum mechanics to develop systems that follow the rules of quantum mechanics and are incredibly faster than current systems. Using them, we should be able to solve and implement algorithms that are much more complex. It is also possible to develop new categories of algorithms and use new methods and symbols to define their computational complexity.

However, even if they have nothing to do with each other, quantum computing may also contribute to the development of AI. Indeed, before letting the AI ​​system “feel” anything, we must first understand the basic meaning of “feel”. We must have a consistent mathematical definition and “feeling” classification. It is not enough to say that feeling is AI’s response to external sensory input. Sensation and consciousness are emerging attributes of intelligence that we need to understand, and are currently the main focus of research on neural information processing and neuromorphic computing. We need better models of these emergency attributes.

If we can use algorithms that can be solved with current computing technology in a reasonable time to mathematically describe these emerging attributes, then we don’t have to wait for quantum computing to see the feelings and expressions of the AI ​​system. However, if we end up describing these models with algorithms that cannot be solved by current computing technology in a reasonable time, then we will need quantum computing to solve them!

When we truly understand and develop emotion models in AI, it is also possible to use quantum computing technology, so maybe we can combine the two and introduce AI into the age of emotion and emotion together.

As long as we do not limit our creativity and thinking ability, the possibilities in the future are limitless. Quantum computers are not a panacea. In many places, conventional computers will be necessary.

Now, My View On AI

First, I think we need to figure out how to “structure” intelligence. There are theoretical problems that require logically satisfactory solutions. We do not have a serviceable formal system that can represent the ambiguity between natural language and human reasoning. We need to figure this out, and figure out how to structure “data” in an interconnected way, and so on. Simply connecting to a powerful computer does not perform any operations.

Secondly, I think “forgery” and forging at a level lower than direct AI control (quite a lot, as is our connection method), is essential for a functional AI. the reason is simple. For specific tasks, you can predetermine the expected result, and sometimes even calculate it (such as chess). This provides you with a way to evaluate your actions because you will then evaluate them based on the predictability of the results. However, this approach is impractical for general AI. Therefore, you need a general method to set the preferences of the results, this method can deal with very incomplete information. I think this can only be done by imitating basic instincts and “faking” emotions.

In summary, why would you carry out any activities without instinct and feeling driving you? I think that general intelligence without emotions will not actually work, and I think the same is true for real artificial intelligence.

In Other Words,These Ideas Are My Guess

When it comes to “feeling”, humans have a peculiar arrogance. You can kidnap neurons from the jellyfish to the muscle fibers of the squid, and contract the muscles when the nerves are excited. Is this fear? Jellyfish have no brains, and there is no place to fear. This response is a strict mechanical response. If we use electronic stimulation instead of nerve fibers, we will get the same response. We can do the same with your brain. Electronic stimulation of certain cells makes you fearful. Will that make you a “higher animal”? However, many plants respond to stimuli. They flinched and sat back, but most people said, “It’s just a plant.”

Of course, we can connect a sensor to a machine today, which will stimulate the bell and the exciter and make it “fear”. Add some quantum processors and it will only be faster. Is that fear? Only if you are willing to call it that way.

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