How To Simplify Your Business Thanks To Fixed-Mobile Convergence

Fixed-Mobile Convergence

Mobile Convergence, The convergence of Fixed and Mobile is a rapidly growing phenomenon in the business world. The success of this technology among companies is linked to the numerous advantages, such as savings on operating costs and the possibility of using a single number, for example, the landline of the switchboard, on the smartphone even outside the office.

Fixed Mobile convergence to simplify smart working

Some features, such as the selection of a company extension or call forwarding, are generally associated with the Fixed, while others, such as flexibility and speed, are considered the exclusive prerogative of the Mobile. Convergence eliminates this separation and limitations related to a fixed location. In this way, work is simplified, and communications become more essential and immediate: ideal for smart working.

The Covid-19 emergency has inevitably introduced a new collaborative dimension, eliminating the clear separation between standard working environments such as offices and domestic contexts, which have become the territories of remote work. Fixed Mobile Convergence will improve interactions between users even when they are at home or working remotely.

Why fixed-mobile convergence serves the “new normal.”

In a scenario dominated by fluidity and smart working, one of the key factors with which companies will have to enter the “new normal” (as the period that awaits us after the hoped-for end of the pandemic crisis has been defined) consists in the optimization of internal and external communication flows.

Fixed-mobile convergence, in this sense, represents the main way to free oneself from the constraints of place, device, and network. As already happens in some more advanced companies, each employee will be able to use only one telephone number to use when he is at his desk and when he moves out of the office.

The seamless transition from Fixed to Mobile, increases productivity and simplifies the business processes. Just think of the ease with which you become available, the complete access to the company directory, the recording of conversations during negotiations with customers, and other advanced functions.

Fixed Mobile Convergence: benefits for employees, IT staff, and customers

The benefits listed above impact employee work and help the company’s IT staff manage the complexity of the architectures and devices affected by the convergence of Fixed and Mobile. Instead of referring to several operators with different tariffs and costs, identifying a single interlocutor allows, first of all, to exploit economies of scale to reduce costs.

Secondly, it allows you to combine services and assistance, making it easier to update the tools available and reducing intervention times in the event of malfunctions. Finally, it allows you to have a single invoice, thanks to which the customer can easily keep costs under control and reduce management times.

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