How To Increase Internet Speed or Crack Internet Speed?

Internet Speed

There are many methods you can use to increase internet speed, I will show you some of them – To use OpenDNS to get faster internet speed, please open the ” Control Panel”. Go to the Network and Sharing Center. Here, click the name of the network connection, which can be WiFi or Ethernet. In the next window that pops up, click Properties. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties. Now, click the ” Use the following DNS server address” radio button and enter the address given below to speed up the Internet: Preferred DNS server: Alternate DNS server: If necessary, you can exchange these addresses. Click OK to save and continue. Now, you are using the OpenDNS server, which can help you get faster internet speed. Tips for increasing Internet speed on PC If you are busy playing movies in the Showbox app on your PC or watching your favorite shows with Hotstar on your PC, suddenly you find that you have nowhere to play. The fact is that there is a problem with your PC or network connection. The only question in your mind now is how to increase the Internet speed of your PC? Correct? The best antivirus software for Windows 7/8 PC Just follows and implements the simple steps mentioned below.

1. Use another router to test your internet connection The biggest source of slowing Internet connection speed is the lack of good modems. Since I bought my first PC, I have been using a Billion modem, which I think is very good and unbelievable in terms of increasing Internet speed in a Windows PC.

 2. Check your filters to increase Internet speed Windows 10 On your PC, maybe because your virus protection program or other applications may interfere with your Internet bandwidth. This is really disgusting, but you have to pass the change once and then perform the speed test again to check the statistics and check the internet speed to solve the problem.

3. Scan for viruses The next thing you need to do is to ensure that no viruses cause damage to your PC and that it does not affect its efficiency. small Unknown Whatsapp tips and tricks you must try

4. Check for external interference Try moving the speakers away and other electronic devices out of the modem space.

5. Have you tried turning off the power and then turning on the router? If you really have enough courage, you can even reinstall the wifi router with a new password, because this can usually reload and refresh the old settings with the new settings when the connection is refreshed and the ISP ends.

6. Regularly update the firmware and software Your router/modem actually has your own instructions and commands that you need to update regularly. How to recover Shift Deleted files in Windows 10 without software

7. Shorten and replace the cable Try to replace old telephone cables, sockets, and cords, and use short and new cables. This can usually make a big difference. Read this interesting article here…How to increase internet speed in Windows PC If any of the above methods are invalid. Then use the latest LiFi technology and use light waves to access the Internet on your PC at high speed.

The internet has become an intrinsic part of our lives. To the extent that we cannot do without it anymore. Whether we are working, communicating with our friends, or using it for entertainment purposes, we need to be connected to the internet 24×7. Consuming content from the internet is incredibly popular. If you wish to do the same, make sure that you are using just trustworthy and credible sites like

Finally, that’s all, with the above suggestions, you can observe the fastest Internet and increase the PC upload speed. Now you have found a solution to increase the Internet download speed in Windows PC/laptop. Then comment your thoughts on this post in the comment session below. Do you know that you have other solutions to “how to increase Internet speed”? Problems with your computer. Then share these tips with us. We will thank you for your contribution. Thank you for reading this article.

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