Digital Will Save SMS: Here’s How They Can Do It

Digital Will Save SMS

Communication is essential

Digital will save SMEs: 2022 has taught us this by reminding companies, particularly SMEs, that communication is essential for the company’s strategic and operational management and success.

In this period, digital communication and marketing solutions have shown us how they can remedy forced domiciliation, closure of borders, and fairs.

Indeed, the forced and massive use of digital has made us understand that thanks to the interpretation of data, targeted actions can be planned in detail to face the present effectively and the future with measurable results.

Digital communication and turnover

For example, a recent study by the  Boston Consulting Group revealed that companies able to use digital communication maturely saved up to 30% on costs and increased revenues by up to 20%. Numbers that appear even more significant in the light of a historical moment characterized by the economic recession.

So, as always, those who have been able to look at the crisis from another perspective have managed to seize unexpected opportunities.

Covid and digital transformation 

This is why the anti-Covid measures have prompted us to implement digital marketing transformation, whose positive effects will significantly influence the economy in the near future.

Even if, on the other hand, from now on, it will be possible to witness a clear separation between those who have joined the digital transformation and those who will remain closed in their warehouses or offices, waiting for something to change.

In this scenario, communication and marketing must adapt to this choice. In fact, only those familiar with digital solutions, algorithms, and data interpretation mechanisms can become effective and efficient partners for companies. 

Compared to manufacturing companies and SMEs, communication and marketing task is even more complex but only attainable if supported by adequate experience and skills.

Generate new levels of creativity

Digital professionalism is necessary to read a new reality. Today we can get hold of and interpret an impressive amount of data by composing a precise image of each of our customers.

Communication will have to work hard to generate new levels of creativity to respond to completely changed needs compared to the past. Only in this way will it be possible to bring out the deepest soul of companies by tuning their image to the expectations of their customers. 

Economic benefits of digital transformation

Another study, produced by  Symbola and  Deloitte,  estimated that the growth in turnover for companies investing in communication and design would grow between 10 and 15%, with important advantages also for exports which remain a determining factor for the financial statements of our companies. 

Like all processes, the digital transformation we are talking about takes place following phases. The first of these, i.e., the interpretation (and measurement) of the data, is the starting point.

We point out that the data can be inferred by analyzing the information present on the net following the logic of what is commonly referred to as “big data“. But there is the risk of getting lost because in the “big,” there really is everything: identifying the real trends of our audience becomes complicated.

Analyze proprietary data

An example is that of interpreting data relating to the expansion of the Covid epidemic: without shared metrics, everyone uses personal reading dynamics, and the result is ugly confusion.

For this reason, for companies, the most interesting move is to have a way to analyze their own data: that is, to build a series of strategies and processes that allow us to acquire data from our reference audience and to elaborate our communication and development actions on those. 

This is how we begin to understand how digital will save SMEs.

Monitor purchase paths

With first-party data, you can better understand the ever-changing behaviors of your customers and prospects. In this way, each company will be able to keep the close relationship with its customers under control and equip itself with the tools to adapt it to the evolution of the reference audience segments.

By constantly monitoring consumers’ needs and behavior, control is maintained over the evolution of their purchasing path. This allows you to always have your strategies under control and to prepare them for a vast series of variables: from geography to the age of the potential buyer, offering the right ideas for creativity to adapt your proposals.

And here is another fact that confirms this approach’s effectiveness: monitoring the relationship with its customers has allowed a company like  L’Oreal to reduce contact costs by 16% on generic campaigns and by 17% on brand campaigns

Resources are freed up that can be reinvested to refine and improve the approach to the market, deepening the relationship with the customer to respond more and more promptly to their needs.

Partnerships with advanced realities of communication

Actions as structured as the ones we have described need professionalism and skills of the highest level. 

For this reason, a partnership with advanced communication realities is an almost obligatory solution, especially for our SMEs, which do not have internal resources to support these processes.

An agreement must be signed between advanced communication companies, professionally prepared and competent, and then SMEs and businesses that understand how important it is to start the digital transformation to find a common path. 

The goal is to reach a higher level of competitiveness, learning to use tools that can allow a positive evolution of our way of doing business. So digital will save SMEs.

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