How Are NASA Astronauts Selected

How Are NASA Astronauts Selected?

In 2016, NASA registered nearly 19,000 candidates for new astronauts’ selection process. A detail: there were only 14 vacancies open. From more than a thousand candidates for each position, the competition makes this process comparable to the most competitive trainee programs and about 18 times more disputed than the entrance exam for Medicine at USP….

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Netflix Prize

Netflix Prize: How To Use The Power Of The Community In Business

Netflix Prize: Competitions provoke and inspire, awards motivate. In this spirit, Reed Hastings, co-founder, president and CEO of Netflix, launched a great Netflix Award competition in October 2006. The Orteig Award inspired Charles Lindbergh to take an epochal lonely flight across the Atlantic in 1927. The Kremer Prize for flying a muscular plane made the…

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