Brand Ambassador: What He Does And Why To Have One

Brand Ambassador What He Does And Why To Have One

The Brand Ambassador is a kind of testimonial. Here’s what it does and why having one can help your business. Hiring the help of a Brand Ambassador can be very useful for a company, but only if you find the right person. Now let’s find out what this professional figure is, what it does, and why anyone owning a business should consider using it.

Who is A Brand Ambassador

The Brand Ambassador, also known by the Italian definition of Brand Spokesperson, is a professional who has the task of promoting the Brand and enticing consumers to discover and purchase its products and/or services.

Inside its social network can be a figure both internal and external to the company. Still, in each of the two cases, the Ambassador must be well informed both on the market in which the Brand operates and on the Brand itself, of which he must reflect on and convey the identity and values ​​of the company. Likewise, the Brand Ambassador must have such visibility and credibility as to influence consumers’ choices by orienting their purchase path.

The figure of the Brand Ambassador must be distinguished from that of the Brand Advocate: while the first is appointed by the company, as well as – usually – paid (through money, products and/or services), the second acts on a voluntary, free and disinterested.

In recent times, moreover, the figure of the Brand Ambassador has begun to intertwine more and more with other professional figures, such as Testimonials and Influencers. The Ambassador differs from these figures in the formal medium-long relationship between him and the company. Testimonials and Influencers, on the other hand, play a more limited role over time and, especially in the second case, are more linked to specific occasions.

What Does the Brand Ambassador does

The Brand Ambassador, appointed by the company, can use its support to realize various commercial and promotional initiatives, such as special online and offline events, aimed at increasing the Brand Awareness and Brand Reputation of the company.

The communication tool most used by Brand Ambassadors are social networks, through which these professionals develop their own storytelling and establish personalized interactions with customers and prospects to provide an open, transparent, accessible, and positive image of the Brand.

Through the Brand Ambassador Programs, companies seek and identify people willing to spread an advertising communication or share their experience within their social network, intending to induce other people to try the Brand’s products and/or services.

As we have already mentioned, the success of a strategy based on using a Brand Ambassador depends on choosing the right person. Therefore, in addition to a preventive analysis of the costs/benefits associated with the choice of a specific Brand Ambassador, it is also necessary to pay particular attention to the monitoring and evaluation of the results obtained through his work. Only in this way, is the initial investment repaid.

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