Tech Tuskers

user experience

UX Outsourcing: Why Is It Worth Using The Services Of External Experts?

UX ( user experience ) is a buzzword, a catch-up word that has penetrated business and technological salons. Although he is making an astonishing career, not everyone knows what it means for a specific business. Wikipedia states that UX is “the whole experience the user experiences while using the product.” Sounds good, but what does…

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Netflix Prize

Netflix Prize: How To Use The Power Of The Community In Business

Netflix Prize: Competitions provoke and inspire, awards motivate. In this spirit, Reed Hastings, co-founder, president and CEO of Netflix, launched a great Netflix Award competition in October 2006. The Orteig Award inspired Charles Lindbergh to take an epochal lonely flight across the Atlantic in 1927. The Kremer Prize for flying a muscular plane made the…

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Google Cloud Partner

The role of the cloud in business. How does a local Google Cloud partner support digital transformation?

Google Cloud Partner :Enterprises today have much wider access to technology than a few years ago. Those who stick to traditional methods often fall to a lower position. On the other hand, companies that are able to adapt and consciously use new solutions take the lead and build a leadership position. Let’s look at the…

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