Tech Tuskers

Big Data And Television

Big Data And Television: This Is How Viewers Influence Programming Schedules

By now, it is known that both Big Data and television influence the programming of schedules. In times of crisis, the data released on the influences released by viewers is gold that glitters.  For this reason, televisions and similar bodies are pampering viewers, trying to put them first, considering their “television needs.” Big data signals…

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Hadoop: Definition, Operation, And Importance In Business

What is Hadoop? Hadoop supports analytics by handling unstructured data that increasingly comes from the world of social media and the Internet of Things. Through this framework, we can work with applications faster, taking advantage of storage optimization techniques. It is an Apache project designed and used by a global community of contributors using the…

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What Is a Startup

What Is a Startup?

Startups are a fascinating universe with incredible potential, constantly in turmoil. We have decided to dedicate a column to this ferment that starts from a fundamental question: what is a startup? What is a Startup? “A startup is a temporary organization looking for a repeatable, scalable, and profitable business model. This is how Steve Blank,…

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