2023: Ready For a New IT Approach?

Ready For a New IT Approach

New IT Approach: There are just a few days left before the start of a new year, which will foresee more and more innovation in the business sphere and a change of approach in rethinking the entire IT world.

Speed ​​, Scalability, Security, Inclusivity, and Sustainability are the five keywords of 2023, but what will be the most important technological innovations to implement?

Cloud or hybrid: the new IT infrastructure

Let’s start from the “heart” of every productive activity: the IT infrastructure, which in 2023 will have to be rethought and innovated. Thanks to solutions and technologies such as HPE GreenLake, choosing between a totally on-prem or cloud-based infrastructure is no longer a problem. 

A new generation infrastructure must include the following:

  • Update and patch installation services in order to preserve the technology from possible malfunctions;
  • Automatic scalability in order to respond quickly to new business needs and activate the resources necessary to satisfy them;
  • Payment is according to the consumption of the resources actually used, thus also decreasing the impact on electricity consumption, making it sustainable.

It is necessary to create a “tailored” model, able to fully adapt to the current and future needs of the company and not be satisfied with “ready-to-use” models which, very often, in addition to a useless economic expenditure, do not represent a real business solution.

Furthermore, the new generation of infrastructures must be secure and capable of autonomously predicting and resolving any targeted or accidentally caused damage.

Inclusive and collaborative workplaces

After an initial rapid transformation during the pandemic dictated by urgency, it is advisable to rethink the workplace in a hybrid model in which collaboration will play a decisive and non-trivial role. This a new challenge for all teams and companies that have to foresee and include new types of work through native cloud apps and tools specifically designed to create new business productivity.

Communication within hybrid teams must be more intentional as the number of casual or ad hoc conversations can be reduced without the occasional physical meeting opportunities within the company. Effective communication should be seen as the responsibility of all team members, who should be encouraged and supported to establish their own principles for communication. This may include defining how often to physically meet, what technology to use for meetings and asynchronous work, and how to ensure communication is inclusive for all.

Cyber ​​security first

Cyber ​​security” will be one of the hot topics in the coming years, not just in 2023.

Unfortunately, in our area, many production companies (especially medium-small companies) still do not have technologies capable of protecting the company and are addicted to hacker attacks.

Not only will it be vital to become aware of one’s vulnerabilities through Ethical Hacking services (such as Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test ), but it will be essential to activate effective solutions capable of lightening the workload of IT managers and reducing the possible attack surface.

From End-point protection to that of e-mails, from data archiving to its compatibility in the event of a restore: creating a good Disaster Recovery plan becomes a priority.

Only through careful analysis is it possible to identify the best solutions and procedures that allow the company to restart quickly and not lose data, productivity, and portfolio following a hacker attack or a disastrous natural event.

Monitoring and Vulnerability Management: the new services

In a world that evolves and transforms ever faster, it is necessary to provide services that allow the IT manager to have everything under control.

That is why Netmind, together with its heroine ANIT.A. (A New IT Approach) , created in collaboration with HPE, provides services and managed solutions capable of ensuring security and efficiency.

From proactive network monitoring that allows you to obtain all the information regarding the infrastructure, devices, and applications in use, the update or patching status in real-time, to Vulnerability Management which allows potentially critical vulnerabilities to be resolved quickly and without the user noticing.

Not only. In 2023, new Support services will be planned, allowing our customers to directly request highly qualified technical assistance on Infrastructures, Systems, and Workplaces, reducing resolution and response times.

Also Read : Ethical Hacking: What Does The Business Risk If You Don’t Do It?

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